Darling Mia,
It is odd, how the misfiring of our brains’ synapses so often gets in the way of life, and my heart goes out to Donatella.
However, what stood out from your compassionate essay was the unfair, and quite mysoginistic treatment on behalf of your male colleagues, who—and a disclaimer, might I add that not all men feel this—might have felt that Donatella was incompetent and dippy because, well...after all, she is a woman.
It makes me sad that this is a still such a prevailing sentiment; and, by the same turn, how quick people are to judge others without asking “HOW are you, are you okay? Do you need to go for a coffe and maybe talk?”
Maybe I’m just wired differently—and this does not mean I am better than anyone—but for me, compassion and empathy are the only way to live. Too often, we become insecure and shy and feel like offering to help someone might be percieved as intrusion, or an overreaching of sorts.
Thank you for this! Your humane reportage and keen observations always spark my thoughts in surprising, new directions! Xoxox :)