Dear Carlyn,
What horrific discoveries! Loved your sleuthing, though! The “surprise” I mentioned earlier is an interesting fact.
Recognize this kid? Yep, he was the son of Peter Rodgers, the second unit director of “Hunger Games.” Gives the whole story an even more ironic twist, right?
In thinking about your insightful essay, I am inclined to wonder if all this escalating hatred in the last six decades or so may not be due to this: the ugly beast of Alpha-Patri-Cockism has, since the 1960s, been actively challenged for the first time in history, increasingly so until today.
Whereas as far back as Jane Austen’s time, it was a woman’s preoccupation whether or not she was marriable enough to be taken out of “spinsterhood,” the tables have turned.
Men and boys have never had to question their ability to get women until relatively recently in history. With the relatively increased power and the changing role of women in society (despite the tonnage of work still left to do before an equitable situation is reached), poor little patriarchy is finally “in crisis;” men are finally insecure, scared their todgers may not be big enough, their clothes not cool enough, their approach not acceptable, and it must “hurt” (though nothing compared to what women still go through.)
I wrote an article a few months back you might find interesting, sparked by the murder of Sarah Everard you might enjoy, where in my radical feminism, I propose a complete social overhaul to solve the problem once and for all:
All in all, a brilliant article, Carlyn! Curious to read more of your investigations!