Dear, Dear Jessica,
GOD it’s good to be back; moreso, with a brain which has, yet again, beat the odds I put it up against (and you know what I mean) !
Schedules permitting, I will try and join. I have told Siri that I’m not to miss this date, and she’s put a series of precedent time-triggers in place to remind me! :)
GOD I loved reading your article, and in a rather roundabout way, it brought me to the early 90’s undervalued tripsters from grey, council flat “projects” in the U.K.
Primal Scream; The Happy Mondays; early The Verve.
You’ve inspired me to write about music again, Jess! Thank you :)
DM me on twitter…we’ve catching up to do.
And…The Riff? I’m BACK, for sure, with a very macho sequinned handbag of great albums, both past AND present, to share with you all!
Love, as ever…glad to still be alive :)
Pedro B. Gorman