Dear Luisa,
Indeed, there is MUCH to be thankful for, which, in the frays of days one forgets. In a way — and I can only speak for myself — COVID has been what I call The Great Leveller; so much so, in fact, that were it not for the pesky bug, I wouldn’t have turned to jumping way out of my comfort zone of crappy, wage-paying jobs to kickstart my writing carrer via Medium and start building and nurturing my tribe full-time. Thank you so much for being a part of it! Anda again, thank you for the love shown in “One Man’s Rock, Another Fan’s Star.” I went and listened to Ovoid (is that right? Can’t remember), and I guess my voice does kind of resemble Snake’s (only with half the projection and power… I can only sing like that if I’m not belting or singing loud! Haha)
Finishing up a spoken word piece now, which I put to music with some friends in an improvisational session. Posting it in about an hour or so, hope you like it too.
It’s actually in tune with much of what you say here, it’s about tuning in to the now instead of the past, future, or all the what if’s of life.
Love, Joy, & the Giddy Transcendence of Pain! Xoxoxo