Dear Max, what a beautiful metaphor for expecting other people to unpack our own Dusty, undealt with baggage… and trust me, this is coming from someone who has played on both sides of the court of this particular tennis match.
Now, at the wise, ripe and knowing age of 43, I find I empathize with many of your own insights. It literally took me years to have any kind of clear Epiphany about these topics, coupled with much self-study, self questioning and DIY cognitive psychology applied from me to me, as an essential part of becoming a better person both to myself and others.
However, I did spend years and years acting as the emotionally unaware people that you have described in your article.
And while this is no crime, because mistakes are part of the learning curve, it is nonetheless very annoying for the people on the receiving side of our own blindness to ourselves and others.
Thank you for such a clear, concise, wonderfully worded article on aspects of Human Relationships that really should be taught in schools! People like you make the world a better place.