Member-only story
How Publishing a Post a Day Is Changing My Attitude Towards Writing
And How My Actual Writing Benefits From It
A couple of weeks ago, I made a commitment I was always hesitant to make in relation to my output on Medium: to write an article a day. My brain was far too full of articles telling me to do it, and my best friend Claudio assured me that it was the right thing to do, for all the reasons in the world, especially if I wanted to improve as a writer.
Me being the way I am, I was having an aneurysm at the whole idea: how on earth would such a self-sabotaging perfectionist as myself, well able to spend an hour rewriting a single sentence until it comes out the way I intend it to, move past that niggling fear to commit to one full finished post a day which met the standard?
As Anne Lammott says: “Bird by Bird.” Two weeks into my practice, here is what I feel it is doing for me so far.
Inspiration Is Its Own Inspiration
For some bizarre reason, I had convinced myself that writing — good writing, at least — was something which occurred only in the presence of divine inspiration. But then something interesting started to happen a few days into my new routine; I discovered that the mere act of showing up for practice was its own incentive. My…