My Dear, Dear Jessica!
What a balm, to read your response and discover a kindred spirit through your words! I both feel both flattered and humbled. Up until recently, when I wasn’t sharing my writing, I could only attest to the enjoyment I got from the process; now, by virtue of being read, of not only connecting, but being connected with, my experience has been greatly enriched.
I made a pact with myself before I hit the publish button for the very first time here on Medium: that if I could not muster up the courage to present myself from the heart, warts and all, and utterly unapologetic for my scars, while at the same time not being resentful of them, and coming from a place of love, compassion, empathy and growth, then there would be no point.
Your words have clearly shown me that I have made the right choice in my approach to creativity, and it is beautiful, sensitive and kind humans such as yourself, of which I am starting to meet quite a few here on Medium, who make me want to deliver more and more and more of myself unto the connective ether! Thank you, deeply, for your attention and your love!
Gooey, pink tsunamis of Love right back at you, Jessica!
P.S. Whenever you feel ready, take the leap and start writing too. It is incredibly cathartic, if a little scary at first, especially — and trust me, I know — until we get our first follower. But you already have him: me! Please tag me anytime you write anything, and I will keep you company from the get-go! :) We’re all in this together!