My dear, dear Zsofia! My heart is with you, and with G and his family! What a sad, but beautifully written story. This happens all too often. Only in April I lost an ex-boyfriend of mine for the same reasons. You might find some comfort in my essay, song and poem for him.
Life is hard in general, especially for the more sensitive souls among us. However, this last year and a half has hit everyone especially hard. May it be a reminder, like you said, of being aware, but over my 45 years of life and losing many people to suicide, I have discovered a pattern, which makes it hard to intervene.
Those who truly want to die, who don’t want to be saved, do everything very quietly and leave no escape routes or ways to be saved. I have been with friends who seemed fine the last time I saw them, and a few days later, boom. And all of us were like: WTF?
It’s heartbreaking, is what it is. I hope you, his friends and family find the strength to heal :))))
A big, warm hug all the way from Portugal!