Oh, wow! It happened again, haha…of all my essays, it is this one that makes my eyes cloud and my soul smile whenever a kind soul takes the time to read and leaves a comment as beautiful as you just have.
It’s as if you are all helping me not only process my grief and make peace with Carlos’ exit, as he is being thought of by new people he never got the chance to meet, and who I am sure he would have loved.
Deep down, past all his emotional blockages, Carlos was at heart a people-lover, who battled massively with his misanthropic streak at the same time.
I do miss him dearly, but in the end, I know that, whether it’s curtains or whether there is something after death, that as long as it is unlike what he was feeling, he is happier now having been returned to the great animal soup of time & atoms!
Yours, affectionately,
P. :)))))))