Thank you so much, Shawn! :) Thrilled, humbled and honored that my words seem to be to plucking some ether-chords for you! :) Truly, thank you for your time. Whenever people read me, I always feel it is nothing short of a small-big miracle!
Soon as I finish work, I’m gonna go on one of my Medium reading-romps to get up-to-date. I’m not the most prolific writer because it takes me AGES to polish a piece to something I feel vaguely proud of sharing, so that eats into my time as a reader.
However, reading the work of new authors of all genres is a wonderful way for me to not only feel encouraged and inspired, but also encourage and inspire others by trying to truly show that I have read and understood another’s words through my comments, just like you have done for me, now. :)
(And yes, I’m incapable of short, concise replies or comments, lol… they almost tend to be stories within themselves!)